Life. Live it. Love it. Learn from it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello Summer. :)

Hello Summer.

Hello days under the blazing hot sun - and marshmellow fluff clouds.

Hello sun-kissed cheeks filled with fresh freckles.

Hello grassy shoe-less toddler toes.

Hello firefly, frog and other summer creature searching.

Hello to not your everyday seen summer creature chilling in your front yard.

Hello dirty body - hair to toe.

Hello to a fellow who prefers to sit on the side with his feet in the pool instead of swimming...

until he finally gets in...and then it's impossble to get him out.

Hello crazy lake mansions that I love to gawk at (and imagine I live in)

and hello to all of the summer nights spent with people that mean the most.

64 Days Until Fall.

if i counted right.. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's been a while since I've done my little

"Listography" thing.'s really been a while since I've
posted anything, due to my hectic schedule:

Mom/wife (kinda) duties.

So this weeks "Listography" topic is

Drum Roll Please.


Inventions that would make my life easier.

1. A Me-Duplicator.
The only time the doctor can see me is the same exact time I have to work?! No problem, set the Me-Duplicator to 1 and create one temporary me to do the unpleasant task. Friends arriving in 15 minutes, the house is a wreck, create five Me's and wah lah. Five Me's make quick work of the house while I relax. Perfect.

2. A pause button.
One push of the pause button and everyone freezes in time, but me. I also reserve the right to tag any individuals I want to unfreeze in the rare instance that I don't want just to be left alone. Would use this to cheat on game shows. Yep.

3. Post it notes.
Wait. These have already been invented. But I would like them to be uninvented so that I can invent them and make gajillions of dollars. I'd also like the Twilight Saga to be unwritten so that I can write it. Oh, heck, throw in Microsoft and we'll call it a day.


what would you invent to make YOUR life easier?