Life. Live it. Love it. Learn from it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear 3 Year, 7 Month Old Parker.

Dear NEARLY 4 year old Parker Lee:

I've watched you grow from my sweet little baby

...into my sweet little BOY

You like to do big boy things now.

And like all big boys do, you have a mind of your own.

Case in point:

You don't like food--unless its covered with sugar or chocolate syrup. I remember the first time you ate ALL of your meal I fixed you, I cried tears of joy...and that is no joke.

In fact, I cry at all of your "little moments". I remember walking in on you doing a puzzle all on your own and I shed some proud mama tears.

You're hair, too, has a mind of its own. It seems as if it is getting thicker and thicker. The only way to tame it is by soaking it and coming it over. Until it dries, you kind of look like Donald Trump, but its okay because I think you're handsome no matter what.

You have selective hearing. For example, "clean your room" means absolutely nothing to you, but "lets go to get Miami ice" has you at the door, shoes on the wrong feet ready to go.

You have a remarkable sense of balance, as is evident when you shimmy UP the slide at the park, and run across the hardwood floor in socks. It would be safe to say that you make my heart stop about 15 times a day--not good.

Sometimes when we go to the park, I just take a step back and I watch really get a good look at you and I try to get into that big ole head of yours and see the world through your eyes. And in these moments, I admire your fascination with all of the little things this world has to offer--all the things that you are witnessing for the first time. And its like I am seeing the world for the first time all over again.

I get giddy when I see your wheels begin to turn as you learn something new and you are always so eager to learn new things, for example {tieing your shoes}.

You do things in your own way, and on your own time, and I am learning to be okay with it.

In 3 and a half short years, you have changed my world,

and I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming!

"I love you to infinity and beyond!!"


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