1. I cannot, under any circumstances, stick a dry Q-tip in my ear. I cringe at the very thought of it. I must stick the Q-tip in water or peroxide or SOMETHING. It may be safe to say that I'd much rather have a paper cut than stick a dry Q-tip in my ear.
2.As I mention in my {about me} section, I love {and crave} oreos dipped in peanut butter daily.
3. I am emetophobic--meaning I am deathly afraid of vomit. When I see vomit, hear it, or smell it I come unglued. I cry, hyperventilate, and have a panic attack. And thats a TRUE STORY, no exaggeration.
4. I could eat brussel sprouts every day, with or without a meal.
5. I miss Jeremy any time that we are apart--even if I'm gone to the store for ten minutes. Pathetic, perhaps! But I love the guy!!!
6. I tend to stand on my left leg and prop my right foot up on my left knee--even in mid-air. I've been asked "Are you standing like a flamingo?" Jeremy calls it my "Captain Morgan stance". I do this mostly while I'm stirring away in front of the stove, and my guess is as good as yours as to why I do it.
7. How can I put this one? Hmmm--The ends of a hotdog weenie REALLY seem to bother me--because--they look like a cats bum. Ahhh! They REALLY do if you think about it.
8.Vaccum lines on the carpet make me happy.
9. I can think of something I want and walk in the room to get it 5 seconds later and totally and completely forget what I was going to get--like I've said--my brain is permanently altered due to motherhood.
10. I absolutely DESPISE matching/folding socks. I have a {sock basket} that holds TONS of mismatched socks. TWO baskets for that matter, one for mine and Jeremys and one for Parkers. And SADLY, they will sit there filled up to the top, almost overflowing until I decide to take the initiative to finally do it. {Ugh}
P.S. I'm sure those of you who choose to read this will have your own two cents about my weirdness--feel free. ;)
Have a nice day!
We are the exact same way with SOCK! bahaha. Miss you! I want to see you two lovebirds very soon. Text me this weekend! Saturday night preferably. <3 loves